There’s a lot of things that Alexa can do including making us laugh, ordering takeout, and controlling the lighting, but when it comes to getting rid of rats in the garage, this is where it falls short. Technology has influenced our lives in so many ways. Your handheld device has many functions that have changed the way we communicate. Ironically, 76 percent of all smartphone users actively interact on one or more social media websites. We schedule our lives, control our home functions, and stream movies from our phone. These are the mere benefits of handheld smart technology, but what about an entire smart home?
What Is A Smart Home And What Does It Do?
Technology has made its way into our homes. The very home that we live in can be equipped to simplify our lives in many areas. A technology-based home is considered to be a smart home and has many functions. A smart home is equipped to let your lighting, heating, and electronic devices be controlled by a phone or computer. That’s right; your phone can control your lights while you’re at work. In fact, a smart home can tell you the refrigerator has been open for a while.
Smart home features save you money. Remotely controlling your thermostat at any time can save you energy costs on your bills. Surprisingly, you can contact your smart home to make sure your dinner is ready by using a computer. A busy soccer mom can get her household chores done, including the laundry, by simply commanding her Siri device. Home automation has become very popular in the last 5 years as technology continues to make advances. You can think of it as having your home conveniently connected to the internet and accessible through multiple device capabilities.
How Can I Benefit From Technology?
There is only 14 to 16 percent of all homes that use smartphone technology. Many markets go untouched. Therefore, many users have the option of utilizing or creating the technology for a smart home. Marketers in home automation can face a few barriers. One of the home automation barriers is the security risk factor. Remotely controlling your home will put a lot of information over the internet. Unfortunately, any information on the internet is subject to hackers. There are many steps being taken to secure the information being processed over the internet for a smart home.
What Siri And Alexa Aren’t Doing?
Technology is doing a lot of things to improve our lives, but it isn’t getting rid of pests that invade our home. An exterminator in Denver, or where you live, is still the best way to rid your home of insects and rodents. Missing shingles on your roof can be an entryway for many pests to enter your home. Birds and raccoons love nesting in your roof. Fortunately, an exterminator can find the entryway, seal the area, and treat your home for pests with a licensed trained professional.
Pests Exterminated By A Professional
– ants
– waterbugs
– silverfish
– spiders
– rats/mice
– wasps
– bees
– centipedes
– bats
– squirrels
– termites
Extermination will come with a trained professional and rid your home of many pests. Trust their services to provide chemical agents that won’t harm the occupants of your home, including small children and pets. They understand how pests can invade your home and create structural damage. They work hard to ensure pests won’t jeopardize the comforts of your home for you and the ones you love.
The advancement of technology can’t make us forget about the other things that matter most with our home. There are many features that will allow you to control your home that require a professional. We shouldn’t let technology let us forget all the ways we must take care of our home. Technology does a lot for us, but it still can’t do everything. Maybe in the future, we’ll be able to control pests with smart home features. However, we still need a trusted local professional exterminator to get rid of an infestation of bees in the structure of our home. You’re invited to call a local exterminator for your pest control needs today.